I am sure you are all aware of the leaks at the weekend in the media regarding the pay review bodies for Education and NHS workers and the speculation around what has been recommended for those workers. The leaks may or may not be correct, but they are far from helpful, and I do know that those unions involved have no further information as to the accuracy of the media reports and the government response.

I can tell you what I know about the Prison Service Pay Review Body. The National Chair and I met with the Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice Shabana Mahmood MP and the Prisons Minister James Timpson last Thursday 18th July 2024 where a variety of topics were discussed. We mentioned that it was totally unacceptable the delay to the PSPRB recommendations as Prison Officer grades along with OSGs should have had this implemented in April 24 and each year it is falling further and further behind. To their credit both politicians agreed and together we would look at a timetable to get it back on track in future years should a pay review body still exist. I do not think that will happen for next year as too much time has elapsed in 2024 for that to take place. We reminded Ministers that the Pay Review Body was supposed to be a compensatory measure for Prison Officer Grades in England and Wales and Northern Ireland not having the right to strike so it should be delivered on time.

There was no indication as to what the PSPRB had recommended but we were told a decision would be made prior to the summer recess which commences on 30th July 2024 until 2nd  September 2024.

I recognise this continued delay is frustrating for our members and the unnecessary leaks and speculation in the media is less than helpful and we urge Government to get on with the announcement so that our members can receive any pay rise back dated as quickly as possible.

Irrespective of what the Review Body has recommended we expect that pay recommendation to be implemented in full anything else would be treating our members with total contempt in a cost-of-living crisis and the issues that POA members have dealt professionally with keeping the Prison Service from grinding to a halt. I will keep you updated as soon as we receive any information.


Yours sincerely

General Secretary

Representing over 30,000 Prison, Correctional and Secure Psychiatric Workers, the POA is the largest UK Union in this sector, able to trace its roots back more than 100 years.