Cronin House
245 Church Street
N9 9HW
Telephone: 020 8803 0255
Membership enquiries:
General enquiries:
The National Executive Committee have finalised a comprehensive agenda that will be given on the above date. This gives an opportunity for NEC speakers and Full Time Officers to update branch officials on the work of the POA at National level so that branch officials can update their members accordingly.
As previously stated, this is not a decision-making forum as that only occurs at Annual Conference but hopefully the information given will assist each branch in formulating conference motions for next year, where branches can then set the agenda for the NEC in the coming years. This Information Meeting also gives the NEC an opportunity to thank branch officials at local level for the magnificent work they have done during the pandemic.
• Opening Remarks
• Finance Update/Parliamentary Work
• Legal Update
• Pensions Update
• Cuffe Report Progress
• Policies of the Union
• Whitley Committee NEC Report Backs:
• Health & Safety
• HR
• Operations
• Security& Custody/ SOCT
• OMiC
• Equalities
• NEC Report Backs:
• Private Sector
• Secure Hospitals
• OSGs
• Open Estate
• Long Term/High Security Estate
• Female Estate
• YCS Estate
• Closing Remarks
I would also like to remind you that facility time has been approved and a Director from HMPPS along with a representative from the HMPPS Diversity team will also be allocated time to address the meeting.
Yours Sincerely
General Secretary
Cronin House
245 Church Street
N9 9HW
Telephone: 020 8803 0255
Membership enquiries:
General enquiries:
Representing over 30,000 Prison, Correctional and Secure Psychiatric Workers, the POA is the largest UK Union in this sector, able to trace its roots back more than 100 years.