Further to POA Circular 077/2021 regarding the Information Meeting at the Central Westminster Hall, the NEC have agreed that the following timings will be put in place. Registration will take place from 09.30 until the meeting commences at 11.00hrs. The aim will be to finish the meeting at 16.00hrs. The Executive will finalise the topics for update in advance and that will be promulgated after the next NEC meeting which takes place on 13th October 2021.

I recognise that some branches will require overnight stays where it is not practical to travel on the same day and the finance department will judge each case on its merits.

It has also been brought to my attention that the guidelines for Annual Conference and Information meetings is proving difficult in booking accommodation within the financial parameters for London and outside London. I am sympathetic to that issue as accommodation for hotels have risen and indeed the parameters for hotel costs were set some time ago by Annual Conference and will need to be looked at going forward with the NEC bringing a motion next year once an analysis is done of costs.

In the meantime, the Finance Department will be flexible towards accommodation costs and may well on a case-by-case basis have to go outside and allow increased accommodation costs. I hope this is helpful to delegates attending the Information Meeting and bookings for Annual Conference next year.

As stated in POA Circulars 077/21 and 078/21 facility time has been applied for in relation to both meetings and as soon as I have a response to that question a further Circular will be sent out for information.


Yours Sincerely

General Secretary

Representing over 30,000 Prison, Correctional and Secure Psychiatric Workers, the POA is the largest UK Union in this sector, able to trace its roots back more than 100 years.