Many members will be aware that stress and anxiety amongst staff has become an ever more pressing issue for the POA. It was for this reason the union has commissioned and supported Stress and Wellbeing surveys, which produced significant Parliamentary interest in the matter. The POA have commissioned various pieces of work from a variety of professionals.

To further develop this vital work, the National Executive Committee has agreed to support another research project, this time looking at a more detailed area of mental health affecting an ever-growing number of POA members; Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

This research is being undertaken to extend our knowledge of this issue within the UK prison system and we hope to shed light on this widespread and underreported problem.

Retired members can play a crucial role giving their experiences, therefore I am asking current members to talk to colleagues who have now left the Service due to problems with mental health and particularly PTSD, requesting them to contribute to this work.

If you know a retired member who is willing and able to help, please ask them to get in touch with Carol at Cronin House on 0208 884 5693 or by emailing with their contact details.

The NEC hope POA members feel able to help with this project and look forward to using this important research to shine a light on this matter for all our members and their families in HMPPS, SPS, Private Prisons, Immigration Service, Secure Psychiatric Hospitals, YCS Estate and the Northern Ireland Prison Service.

Yours sincerely

General Secretary

Representing over 30,000 Prison, Correctional and Secure Psychiatric Workers, the POA is the largest UK Union in this sector, able to trace its roots back more than 100 years.