As per POAS circular 22/21, Jim McCabe and I are on an NCRG subgroup to get a date agreed for staff returning to Pre COVID attendance patterns.

We are reaching the stage where we will be looking to input a proposed date as to when staff should return by and although our view is immediately; we think it is only correct that we take the opinion of the Local Branch Committee’s as to what date they think is achievable, as we do not want to put pressure on the membership with a date that locally, is not realistic.

As you will be aware, the SPS have put an estimated date of approximately the end of September, as they believe this is realistic, whilst this is not our view, you are the ones who know the situation locally, so we request your input, as there are many factors that need addressed in the first instance, i.e., training etc.

We would appreciate your input to help us decide on a realistic target date we can put to management.

Please can you reply with your views via email to by 5pm on Monday, 7th June.



On behalf of POA Scotland


John Cairney


Scottish National Committee Chair

Representing over 30,000 Prison, Correctional and Secure Psychiatric Workers, the POA is the largest UK Union in this sector, able to trace its roots back more than 100 years.