News Room

Mark Thomas's Lockdown Live series continues with award winning show Check Up: Our NHS @ 70, in which Mark spent a month shadowing nurses, consultants and staff at the Imperial Group of NHS hospitals. See the link below to get a member discount!

Members will recall that the Court of Appeal decided in 2018 that the changes made to the Civil Service and NHS pension schemes in 2015 were unlawful.

Future parliamentary business (provisional) from Monday 8 February 

Future parliamentary business (provisional) from Monday 1 February 

Please see below a note on the WHO’s position on occupational vaccines by Ivan Dimov of WHO:

The TUC have sent out to all affiliated Trade Unions information on how colleagues and their families who come under the CEV category can access the vaccine as it appears not to have been widely communicated.

Vaccinations in Prisons - Lucy Fraser, Prisons Minister interviewed by Sky News

The Scottish National Committee Chair post (currently Vacant) is due for election.  This will be a five-year post and the successful candidate will take up office in May 2021.  

The POA has demanded prison workers and prisoners are given COVID vaccines as a matter of priority.

Read this article from the Morning Star regarding pay justice for prison officers

Representing over 30,000 Prison, Correctional and Secure Psychiatric Workers, the POA is the largest UK Union in this sector, able to trace its roots back more than 100 years.