National Chair

Please make yourself aware of the following:


We will continue to update you regularly ensuring you are aware of the most recent developments.


We will continue to update you as regularly as we can during these ever-changing times. Please ensure all POA members have access to this circular.


During these unprecedented times it is vital that we continue to keep you updated on issues and plans throughout the Service.


I wish to relay to you my assurances that your safety and well-being at work is my top priority and I will not waiver in my support for you all at this difficult time.


Throughout my long Prison Service career, which has so far lasted 28 years, I cannot recall a more violent beginning to a New Year


I wanted to pass onto you all my sincerest thanks for the brave and essential work you are all carrying out during these unprecedented times.

Your union is much more than just a diary


Unions must be seen as part of the solution not the problem

Unions must be seen as part of the solution not the problem


Representing over 30,000 Prison, Correctional and Secure Psychiatric Workers, the POA is the largest UK Union in this sector, able to trace its roots back more than 100 years.