POA Circulars

Please relay the contents of this circular to all POA members.

I am writing to advise members with regard to the steps we are taking to give effect to the Employment Tribunal remedy we have won in the pension age discrimination claims filed for members.

Please find attached NEC minutes for 10th and 24th February 2021 for your information.   Yours sincerely STEVE GILLANGeneral Secretary ...

If you pay tax, there’s a fairly high chance you’ve paid too much.

Please make yourselves familiar with the latest GOLD Briefing that has been issued to all Governors (copy enclosed).

As part of the “Winning a Pay-Rise for Key Workers Campaign” the TUC’s Public Service Liaison Group, of which the POA is a member, is organising an eve of the budget rally on 2nd March 2021.

Please find enclosed Joint Statement between POA/HMPPS regarding the above.

As part of the TUC campaign all KEY WORKERS deserve a pay rise, the POA support this campaign for all key workers. Let me make it clear Prison Officer Grades, OSGs and Custodial Workers are key workers, as are all our POA members in secure hospitals or wherever they work. 

Please find attached NEC minutes for 27th January 2021 for your information.

Members will recall that the Court of Appeal decided in 2018 that the changes made to the Civil Service and NHS pension schemes in 2015 were unlawful.

Representing over 30,000 Prison, Correctional and Secure Psychiatric Workers, the POA is the largest UK Union in this sector, able to trace its roots back more than 100 years.